Latest version.
  • Resolution
    3/8/06 Declaration of plea of not guilty in certain lawsuit (Special)
    7/3/06 Wages for certain public works laborers (Repealed by 1988-1)
    2/5/07 Expression of sympathy (Special)
    2/5/07 Encourages organization of gas and light company (Special)
    3/6/07 Expression of gratitude (Special)
    12/16/13 Depot lighting problem recognized (Special)
    4/13/15 Fire Company Constitution (2.40)
    2/2/15 Performance bond for certain village officer (Special)
    5/18/15 Bid on certain bonds accepted (Special)
    7/6/16 Payment for certain street improvements (Special)
    no date Funds for certain street improvements (Special)
    1917/18 Expression of sympathy (Special)
    no date Fund transfer (Special)
    no date Appointment of village attorney (Special)
    2/15/21 Deed for Old Court House transferred to state as memorial of Abraham Lincoln (Special)
    no date Results of special election on bond issuance (Special)
    7/6/26 Agreement between village and Central Illinois Light Company (Special)
    3/19/29 Agreement between village and Metamora Packing Company (Special)
    10/21/30 Contract for construction of village hall (Special)
    12/16/30 Fund transfer (Special)
    3/3/31 Fund transfer (Special)
    1932 Contributions requested for salary of village constable (Special)
    9/6/32 Fund transfer (Special)
    8/3/34 Arterial streets designated (Special)
    9/5/34 Street improvements (Special)
    9/5/34 Expenditure of gas tax funds for street maintenance authorized (Special)
    6/2/36 Speed limits (Repealed by 1988-1)
    10/6/36 Street improvements (Special)
    10/20/36 Street improvements (Special)
    2/2/37 Street improvements (Special)
    8/3/37 Arterial streets designated (Special)
    8/3/37 Street improvements (Special)
    1/4/38 Payment of annual dues to Illinois Municipal League authorized (Special)
    3/15/38 Arterial street maintenance (Special)
    8/20/38 Street improvements (Special)
    4/16/40 Authorizes tax levy (Repealed by 1988-1)
    12/3/40 Appointment of representative for centennial celebration (Special)
    2/4/41 Appropriation (Special)
    4/28/41 Adoption of daylight saving time (Special)
    12/16/41 Authorizes Illinois Municipal League to act as clearing house in collection and distribution of fire department tax (Repealed by 1988-1)
    3/17/42 Authorizes village attorney to submit program of future public works to Public Work Reserve (Special)
    3/2/43 Arterial street maintenance (Special)
    1/4/44 Water supply facility contract awarded to Anderson Construction Company (Special)
    2/1/44 Arterial street maintenance (Special)
    3/7/44 Contract with Anderson Construction Company extended (Special)
    4/23/46 Adoption of daylight saving time (Special)
    5/7/46 Agreement with Federal Works Agency for sanitary sewer system (Special)
    7/16/46 Number of alcoholic beverage licenses limited to four (Repealed by 1988-1)
    11/19/46 Depositories of village designated (Special)
    4/22/47 Adoption of daylight saving time (Special)
    4/20/48 Adoption of daylight saving time (Special)
    10/5/48 Issuance of street improvement bonds authorized (Special)
    10/5/48 Sale of street improvement bonds (Special)
    4/19/49 Adoption of daylight saving time (Special)
    4/17/51 Special election results on tax levy question (Special)
    6/1/54 Annexation regulations (Not codified)
    11/17/53 State Employees' Retirement System (2.64)
    11/17/53 Request for tax refund (Special)
    3/19/57 Street improvement (Special)
    10/28/58 Street vacation (Special)
    8/30/60 Water main construction (Special)
    10/17/61 Request for urban planning assistance (Special)
    5/1/62 Volunteer fire department (2.32)
    8/7/62 Wages for certain public works laborers (Special)
    2/19/63 Wages for certain public works laborers (Special)
    2/4/64 Wages for certain public works laborers (Special)
    2/18/64 Transfer of funds (Special)
    2/1/66 Property acquisition (Special)
    8/17/65 Expression of appreciation on relocation of Interstate 55 (Special)
    8/16/66 Water main construction (Special)
    2/6/68 Water and sewer fees (13.12)
    9/3/68 Appropriation (Special)
    10/1/68 Appropriation (Special)
    1/7/69 Appropriation (Special)
    3/4/69 Final plat approval (Special)
    5/6/69 Expression of appreciation (Special)
    2/17/70 Declaration of need for certain highway improvement (Special)
    3/3/70 Approval of application for loan on low-rent housing surveys (Special)
    9/21/71 Request for public hearing on abandonment of certain railroad line (Special)
    1/4/72 McCluggage bridge construction approved (Special)
    5/3/73 Legal action for nonpayment of water and sewer bills (Special)
    10/1/74 Approves new street (Special)
    12/3/74 Equal employment opportunity (Repealed by 1988-1)
    5/1/75 Welcoming organization road signs (Special)
    1976-7 Designation of village agent for Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (Special)
    1976-10 Contract for assistance with HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1976-11 Agreement for certain technical and professional services (Special)
    1976-14 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1976-15 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1976-16 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1977-1 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1977-2 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1977-3 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    10/18/77 Expression of support for certain person to study medicine (Special)
    1977-5 Agreement for certain professional and technical services (Special)
    1977-6 Citizens advisory committee for housing and community development program (Repealed by 1979-3)
    1977-7 Affirmative Action Program (Not codified)
    1977-9 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1977-10 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1977-11 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1977-12 Appointments to human relations commission (Special)
    1977-14 Relocation and preservation of certain historic cabin (Special)
    5/2/78 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1978-3 Amends Res. No. 1977-6, citizens advisory committee (Special)
    1978-4 (3/30/78) Adopts citizen participation plan and revised bylaws (Special)
    1978-4 (5/4/78) HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1978-5 Calls for improvement of Illinois Route 116 (Special)
    2/7/78 Recommendation for access to Illinois Route 116 (Special)
    1978-6 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1978-7 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1978-8 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1979-1 HUD Community Development Block Grant application and service contract (Special)
    1979-2 Village president's authority to contract for certain services (Special)
    1979-3 Amends Res. 1978-4 and repeals Res. 1977-6, citizen participation plan (Special)
    1979-4 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1979-5 Persons authorized to sign and countersign checks on behalf of village (Special)
    1979-8 Land acquisition policy (2.72)
    1979-9 HUD Community Development Block Grant application (Special)
    1979-10 Tax abatement (Special)
    1980-2 Property acquisition (Repealed by 1980-6)
    1980-4 CATV intergovernmental cooperation agreement; grants franchise to Country Communications Company (Special)
    1980-6 Repeals Res. Nos. 1980-2 and 1980-3 (Repealer)
    1980-8 Property acquisition (Special)
    1980-9 Property acquisition (Special)
    1980-10 Property acquisition (Special)
    1981-1 Amends CATV intergovernmental cooperation agreement of 3/18/80 (Special)
    1981-2 Communications agreement with East Peoria (Repealed by 1981-4)
    1981-3 Intergovernmental public works assistance agreement (Not codified)
    1981-4 (9/30/76) Communications agreement with East Peoria (Not codified)
    1981-4 (6/16/81) Communications agreement with East Peoria; repeals Res. 1981-2 (Not codified)
    1981-6 Submittal of amendment to block grant program for review (Special)
    1981-7 Communications agreement with Woodford County (Not codified)
    1982-2 Property acquisition (Special)
    1982-4 Support for construction of certain highway interchange (Special)
    1983-1 Support for GRS urged (Special)
    1983-5 Persons authorized to sign and countersign checks on behalf of village (Special)
    1983-7 Personnel manual adopted; repeals Res. Nos. 1962-4 and 1976-13 (Not codified)
    1983-8 CATV rate increases approved (Special)
    1984-1 Appropriation (Special)
    1985-2 Police department manual of rules (Not codified)
    1985-3 Street dedication (Special)
    1985-5 Police department employment contracts (Not codified)
    1986-1 Persons authorized to sign and countersign checks on behalf of village (Special)
    1986-2 Support for construction of nursing home and retirement center (Special)
    1986-4 Persons authorized to sign and countersign checks on behalf of village (Special)
    2003-17 Tax abatement (Special)
    2003-18 Approves the articles of agreement (Special)
    2004-1 Special election on tax increase proposition (Special)
    2004-2 Final plat approval (Special)
    2004-3 Authorizes to conduct a sale of the subject property (Special)
    2004-4 Authorizes to execute a certificate regarding O&M (Special)
    2004-5 Final plat approval (Special)
    2004-6 Appointment of village engineers (Special)
    2004-7 Appointment of village attorney (Special)
    2004-8 Appointment of village treasurer (Special)
    2004-9 Providing for the retirement of certain indebtedness (Special)
    2004-10 Prevailing rate of wages for laborers, workmen and mechanics (Special)
    2004-11 Proposed water service installation (Special)
    2004-12 Authorizes temporary closure of a state-maintained roadway for old settler's day celebration (Special)
    2004-13 Appointment of chief of police (Special)
    2004-14 Persons authorized to sign and countersign checks on behalf of village (Special)
    2004-15 Persons authorized to sign and countersign checks on behalf of village (Special)


    Beginning with Supplement No. 2, this table will not be kept up."