Metamora |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 15.40. HOUSING STANDARDS |
Article III. Rights and Responsibilities of Parties |
§ 15.40.064. Owner/operator to maintain clean and sanitary common storage areas for disposal of waste matter.
The owner or operator of a multi-family dwelling or rooming unit shall be responsible for the clean and sanitary maintenance of common storage or disposal facilities. He shall be responsible further for placing out for collection all common garbage and rubbish containers except where such facilities are for the sole use of an occupant, under which circumstances it shall be the responsibility of the occupant to place these containers out for collection. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to supply such facilities or containers for all dwelling units in a dwelling containing more than two dwelling units and for all dwelling units located on premises where more than two dwelling units share the same premises. In all other cases, it shall be the responsibility of the occupant to furnish such facilities or containers.
Every owner or operator of every rooming house, sleeping room facility, dormitory, hotel, or motel shall dispose of all rubbish in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in supplied and approved storage or disposal facilities which are safe and sanitary, and to assure the removal from the premises of all waste material in the methods prescribed by the ordinance of the village.
(Ord. 1977-14 § 3-5, 1977)