§ 16.08.020. Preliminary plat.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Submission. Even though a preapplication may not have been filed, every application for preliminary subdivision plat approval must be submitted to the plat officer for transmittal to the planning commission for examination and recommendation to the village board. A preliminary plat shall not be accepted for consideration unless it bears the certification of preparation by a registered Illinois land surveyor. Approval of a preliminary plat does not qualify it for recording.


    Approval Criteria. The plat officer shall inform the subdivider of, and the planning commission and village board shall be cognizant of, several criteria necessary for the consideration of approving a preliminary plat which include: design, location and width of streets and their relation to the topography of the land; design of sewage disposal system, storm water drainage system, water distribution; lot sizes and arrangement in relation to existing zoning classifications; overall size of the subdivision in relation to existing traffic circulation capacities and impact on present population, commercial support (if applicable) and in genera, the further development of adjoining properties if yet unsubdivided. The requirements of the comprehensive plan shall have bearing on the consideration of all the aforementioned approval criteria.


    Required Information. The following graphic and descriptive items are required to be shown on the preliminary plat and accompanying application. The lack of required information shall be cause for disapproval of the preliminary plat. Initial denial for this reason does not disqualify the subdivider from resubmitting the application.


    The subdivider shall use application forms supplied by the plat officer for attachment or accompaniment to the preliminary plat. The forms shall contain the following information:


    Name. The proposed development shall be given a name unique to the Metamora area to avoid duplication or confusion,


    Location and Description of Property. The location of the property by government lot, township, section, range, county, subdivision, graphic scale, north arrow, date and by which road the property is situated,


    Basic Property Facts. Include size of tract in acres and size of existing lots, if any, in square feet; existing zoning classification of and that adjacent to the tract,


    Ownership. Name, address and telephone number of the legal owner or agent of property, statement of last instrument conveying title to each parcel of property involved in the proposed subdivision, giving grantor, grantee, date and land records involved; display of any existing legal rights-of-way or easements affecting the property; listing of any existing covenants on the property; name, address and telephone number of engineer who prepared all topographical and profile studies and surveyor responsible for surveys of the proposed subdivision,


    The owner(s) of unsubdivided land one hundred feet in all directions from the proposed subdivision and the name(s) of all adjacent subdivisions;


    Plat Features. The preliminary plat shall show the following:


    The location of the property by legal description as outlined in subsection (C)(1)(b) of this section and location in relation to surrounding properties referenced by name of owner(s) of record or names of adjacent subdivision or tract names; the names of all adjoining streets, location of all existing monuments; the official designation of the tract to be subdivided as recorded by the county and as proposed, along with names and addresses of owner(s),


    The location and dimensions of all boundary lines of the property to be subdivided, the dimensions to be shown in number of feet and nearest hundredths of a foot expressed in decimals, not fractions,


    The location, within the property, of existing streets, easements (including those for drainage), bodies of water, streams, bridges, railroads, buildings or other structures, parks and other such public or quasi-public uses, utilities, alleys, ways for public service facilities,


    The width of all existing and proposed streets and easements, alleys and other public ways including the width of the rights-of-way for such ways and the dimensions of public uses and quasi-public uses in feet and acreage as stated in the above paragraph,


    The locations and dimensions of all proposed or existing lots, including building setback lines, the numbers of all such lots in sequential order and blocks which contain such lots similarly numbered. Existing lots are to be shown in dashed lines and dashed numbers in the case of resubdivisions,


    The appropriate location of all underground utilities, such as sanitary and storm sewer, water mains, gas and/or oil transmission lines and telephone within the property or immediately adjacent thereto, with approximate pipe and cable sizes and direction of slope, if applicable. If water and sewer mains are not within or adjacent to the property to be subdivided, indication shall be given for direction, distance to and size of those nearest, showing invert elevation of sewers,


    Ground elevations on the tract, based on USGS data; for land that slopes two percent or less show contours at not more than one foot intervals and for land that slopes more than approximately two percent, show contours at not more than two foot intervals,


    Conditions on adjacent land such as approximate directions and gradients of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls,


    Proposed public improvements such as highways or other major investments planned by public authorities for future construction on or near the tract,


    Indication of new right-of-way lines where adjacent existing streets would require widening; indicating existing streets which are proposed to be vacated in a shaded pattern or other pattern to make such vacations readily discernible from other characteristic patterns,


    Indication of proposed street grades on all new streets in the subdivision and on any existing streets for which there is no established grade and doing so with drainage arrows drawn to indicate direction of slope; elevations of intersections,


    Number of lots, typical lot size, areas in acreage dedicated or otherwise conveyed for parks or other similar public or quasi-public purposes, including streets,


    Zoning classification and zoning requirements for lot size and yard requirements, lines showing the limits of each zoning district if a proposed subdivision is located in more than one district or if rezoning is planned to accommodate the subdivision,


    Street names as proposed and names of all existing streets adjacent and within the subdivision,


    Notations stating gross acreage, buildable acreage, density, scale, north arrow, datum benchmarks, certification of registered land surveyors responsible for survey and date of survey,


    A sketch map on a smaller scale of the area surrounding the proposed subdivision to give a point of reference in relation to neighboring territory;


    Support Data. The following information shall be prepared as specified and submitted with the preliminary plat as supportive documentation and shall be taken into consideration by the village in reviewing the preliminary plat:


    Location and results of tests conducted to ascertain sub-surface soil, rock and ground water conditions; depth to ground water unless test drillings indicate no water at a depth of five feet; location and results of soil percolation tests of individual treatment systems are proposed; effect on surface water drainage,

    The above information shall have been obtained by the conducting of appropriate topographical and profile studies by a registered professional engineer as required by state law and may be submitted in the form of overlays attached to the plat.


    Draft of restrictive covenants which the subdivider proposes to impose on the use of the land;


    Drainage of Surface Waters. The owner shall provide an evaluation by a registered professional engineer of the drainage characteristics of the territory included within the proposed subdivision together with a description of the proposed storm water runoff system, structures and other facilities which will control drainage from the subdivision. The evaluation shall include computations of the drainage area, the area of the subdivision, the percent of the total drainage basin area occupied by the subdivision and the basis of the internal drainage system including detention and/or retention facilities. Plans and profiles showing the proposed drainage system drawn to a convenient scale and adequately dimensioned shall be submitted along with the calculations used by the engineer in preparing such documentation. In general, the proposed drainage system shall be designed to channel the flow of stormwaters in the natural drainage way by gravity and shall, in addition, be designed to prevent increases in velocity of water discharged onto adjoining lands or decreases in time of concentration on the property being subdivided. In particular, detention of storm waters must be provided as necessary to satisfy the following:


    Stormwaters which enter the village's drainage system from developed property must not exceed that which would naturally enter from the naturally tributary area during and immediately after the maximum storm event which can be expected to occur once every five years and also immediately after the maximum storm event which can be expected to occur once every twenty-five years.


    Owner's proposed facilities must be designed and constructed to prevent the overtaxing or otherwise damaging of the village's drainage system.


    When any part of the storm waters to be discharged by any of the owner's facilities into the village's drainage system constitutes a diversion, the owner must provide detention facilities of sufficient capacity to limit the flow reaching the drainage system to the rate of flow which would have occurred previously from that portion of the area to be drained which is naturally tributary. Overflow in the course of natural drainage for the diverted flow must be provided.


    Storm sewers shall be installed to service the entire subdivision to carry off water from all inlets, catch basins, or open drainageways, and be connected with an adequate outfall. The stormwater drainage system shall be separate and independent of the sanitary sewerage system, and shall be approved by the village engineer.


    All storm sewers shall be designed using a rainfall curve based on a five year frequency. Runoff co-efficients and time of concentration factors shall be those approved by the village engineer. The system shall be underground, enclosed conduits unless other methods are approved by the village board. Maximum manhole spacing shall be four hundred feet on sewers thirty-six inch and smaller in diameter. Inlets shall be spaced at maximum six hundred feet intervals and shall be provided at each intersection to intercept water which would otherwise flow across the intersection. These storm sewer requirements shall be independent of and in addition to the storm water detention portions of this title.


    The outletting of flow which constitutes a diversion will be allowed only when the owner demonstrates that there is no reasonable alternative to such diversion, that the owner's facilities provide storage necessary to prevent any increase in flow over that flow which would have occurred without the diversion, and that the necessary flood or drainage easements have been secured from all property owners who will be affected by such diversion.


    Stormwaters from the owner's property must not discharge onto the pavement by flowing over curbs or along entranceways.


    The owner must provide a drainage system which collects and discharges all flow which reaches the village's right-of-way.


    Connections to the village's storm sewers must be at the manhole or catch basin nearest the owner's property. If no such structure exists, the owner must build a structure at the point of connection conforming to the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction published from time to time by the Illinois Department of Transportation.


    The owner's facilities must prevent sanitary sewage effluent from septic tanks and industrial wastes from discharging on the village's right-of-way or into any drainage tile or structure which discharges into such right-of-way.


    Connections to the village's drainage system must prevent sedimentation from occurring. Proper staging or the use of siltation basins must be provided to show that sedimentation will not occur.


    The owner shall be responsible for compliance with all other applicable federal, state and local requirements.


    Connections to roadside ditches must have adequate protective features to prevent erosion and washing of the ditch bottom and banks.


    The information and documents required by this subsection (C)(4) shall be submitted to and evaluated by the village engineer in light of the requirements of this section. If in the reasonable opinion of the village engineer, the proposed stormwater runoff system inappropriately diverts water from its natural drainageway, increases the velocity of stormwaters discharged onto adjoining lands or decreases the time of concentration on the property being subdivided, then the planning commission shall not recommend and the village board shall not approve any subdivision until the owner of the property submits a plan for a stormwater runoff system which does comply with the requirements of this section.

(Subdivision Ordinance dated 6-3-2003 § 2-2)