§ 17.52.060. Signs.  

Latest version.
  • The following regulations are established to promote the public health and safety by reducing the distractive characteristics of signs along public streets and highways, by prohibiting all signs which interfere with public traffic control devices, and by assuring adequate standards for the erection and maintenance of signs and/or sign structures. These regulations are also established to regulate the size, height, location and general characteristics of signs to protect and enhance the physical appearance of the community.


    General Provisions.


    No sign shall prevent free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape.


    No sign shall obstruct from any door or window the light and ventilation required by other provisions of this title, or any other ordinance of the village.


    No sign shall be attached to a tree or utility pole on public property for longer than fifteen days.


    No sign shall be located on vacant property except a sign advertising the premises for sale or lease and which meets the standards of subsection B of this section.


    The lighting used in any illuminated sign shall be such that only the sign itself, and not the area surrounding it, will be illuminated. In no case shall exposed bulbs or strobe lights be allowed.


    Signs of the size, location, movement, content, coloring or matter of illumination which may be confused with, or construed as a traffic control device, or which hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal, are prohibited. No sign or other advertising structure shall be erected at the intersection of any street in such a manner as to obstruct the view of, or be confused with any authorized traffic sign, signal or device, or which makes use of the words "stop," "look," "danger" or any other word, phrase, symbol or character, in such manner as to interfere with, or mislead or confuse pedestrians or operators of vehicles upon the thoroughfare.


    Any sign which is hereafter unlawfully installed or maintained, or which ceases to be used for a period of sixty days, or in which the business it advertises has not been conducted on the premises for a period of sixty days, shall be removed by the owner or lessee of the premises on which the sign is located. Upon the failure of the owner or lessee to remove the sign, the zoning administrator shall give written notice of conformance to the owner, who will be required to remove the sign within twenty days from the date of the notice. If the owner does not comply, the zoning administrator shall have the sign removed and any expense incident thereto shall be paid by the owner or a lien placed against his property.


    The effect of local wind pressure shall be thoroughly considered in the design and installation of all signs. The building code of the village providing for minimum wind loads shall be applicable in construing this section.


    The owner, lessee or person in control of any sign shall be required to keep such sign properly maintained at all times.


    Any sign which flashes on and off or revolves or is animated in any way is prohibited unless written permission is obtained from the zoning administrator. Exceptions to this are public traffic control devices, dial clocks and time and temperature devices.


    Illuminated signs shall be permitted only in the C-1 neighborhood business district, the C-2 central business district, the C-3 highway commercial district, the I-1 light industrial district and the I-2 heavy industrial district, except as provided in subsection B of this section.


    Signs Allowed in All Zoning Districts Without a Permit. The following signs are permitted in all zoning districts provided they comply with the conditions and limitations set forth herein. Such signs may not be illuminated unless otherwise specified.


    Public Signs. Signs of a public, noncommercial nature, to include safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, signs indicating scenic or historical points of interest, memorial plaques, and the like, and all signs erected by or on order of a public officer in the performance of a public duty. Such signs may be illuminated;


    Flags. Flags bearing the official design of a nation, state, municipality or educational institution. Flags may be illuminated;


    Identification Signs. Free-standing or wall signs which identify permitted use, owner or resident, and set forth the address of the premises where the sign is located, and which contain no other material. One such sign is allowed per lot provided any lettering is not over four inches in height, the sign is not more than three feet high, and the area of the sign does not exceed three square feet. No sign shall be closer than ten feet to the property line or one-half the front yard depth, whichever is less. This provision does not apply to mailboxes which are not attached to a building;


    Integral Signs. Names of buildings, dates of construction, commemorative tablets and the like, when carved into stone, concrete or similar material or made of bronze, aluminum or other permanent type of construction and made an integral part of the building or structure;


    Institutional Signs. Any sign or bulletin board setting forth or denoting the name of or simple announcement for any public, charitable, educational or religious institution when located on the premises of such institution, provided such sign or bulletin board or both shall not exceed a total of twenty square feet in display surface. One such sign is allowed per property not to exceed five feet in height. No such sign shall be closer than ten feet to the property line or one-half the front yard depth, whichever is less. Such signs may be illuminated.


    Private Traffic Direction Signs and Related Signs. Signs directing traffic movement onto a premise or within a premise, when such signs are located on the premise, do not exceed four square feet in area for each sign and do not exceed five feet in total height. Such signs must be free-standing or wall-mounted and no sign shall project into a public way.

    Such signs are considered to include parking directions, exit or entrance signs, drive-up window signs, restroom signs and the like. Horizontal directional signs on and flush with paved areas are exempt from these standards.


    Community Event Signs. Signs advertising a public entertainment or event of public interest. These signs shall remain in place for no more than twenty-one days before and fourteen days after the event and may not exceed ten square feet in area. Signs placed over a public way shall be at least fifteen feet above ground level.


    Political Campaign Signs. Signs or posters announcing the candidates seeking public political office and/or political issues, and data pertinent thereto, up to an area of ten square feet.

    These signs shall be confined to private property, have the consent of the property owners, and shall be removed within seven days after the election for which they were erected.


    Individual Property Sale or Rental Signs. Any on-premise sign announcing the name of the owner, manager, realtor or other person directly involved in the sale or rental of the property or announcing the purpose for which it is being offered.

    Signs may be free-standing or wall mounted only. Signs must be removed within fourteen days after sale or rental of property. No sign shall be closer than ten feet to a property line or one-half the front yard depth, whichever is less:

    The following standards shall apply:

    Use Maximum Number Permitted Maximum Area Maximum Height of Free-Standing Sign
    Agriculture 1 per 600' frontage twenty-five square feet ten feet
    One and Two Family Residential 1 per dwelling five square feet three feet
    Multi-Family Residential 1 per apartment building five square feet three feet
    Neighborhood Business or Central Business 1 per frontage ten square feet six feet
    Highway Commercial 1 per frontage twenty-five square feet ten feet
    Industrial 1 per frontage one hundred square feet twenty feet



    Subdivision Signs. Any sign announcing the names of architects, engineers, contractors or other individuals or firms involved with the subdivision of property and announcing the character of the subdivision, the purpose for which it is intended, or the sale of lots.

    These signs shall be confined to the site of the subdivision and shall be permitted for one year from the date of erection of the first of such signs. If development of the subdivision is not completed within one year after erection of the signs, the sign shall be permitted to exist an additional period not to exceed one year, with the consent of the zoning administrator.

    One sign per street bordering or entering the subdivision shall be permitted. No sign shall be greater than twenty-five square feet or ten feet in height for a residential or commercial subdivision, or fifty square feet or twenty-five feet in height for an industrial subdivision. No sign shall be closer than ten feet to a property line or one-half the front yard depth, whichever is less.


    Construction Signs. Any sign announcing the names of architects, engineers, contractors or other individuals or firms involved with the construction, alteration or repair of a building or announcing the character of the building enterprise or the purpose for which the building is intended, or to indicate the presence of underground public utility structures to avoid damage to structures by excavation.

    Such signs shall be confined to the site for the construction, alteration or repair and shall be removed within twenty-one days after completion of the work. Standards for such signs shall be as for individual property sale or rental signs under subsection (B)(9) above.


    Holiday Signs. Signs or displays which contain or depict a message pertaining to a national, state, community or religious holiday, and no other matter, and which are displayed for a period not to exceed forty-five days. Such signs may be illuminated.


    Underground Public Utility Warning Signs. Standard types of warning signs marking the routes of underground public utility pipes, conduits and cables.


    Permitted Signs—AG Agricultural District. Signs advertising the sale of agricultural products grown or produced on the property. No sign shall exceed twenty square feet in area and be placed closer than ten feet to the property line. The zoning administrator may require a greater setback or other location so that such sign will not obstruct the view of any highway, intersection, private driveway or other point of ingress or egress. One wall sign on the front facade of the retail structure plus one other sign, either free-standing or projecting, is permitted.


    Permitted Signs—R-1 Residential District. No other signs besides those listed under subsection B of this section are permitted in the R-1 residential district.


    Permitted Signs—R-2 Residential District. For single-family dwellings, the provisions of subsection D of this section shall apply. For multiple-family dwellings, a single identification sign not exceeding ten square feet in area and indicating only the name and address of the building(s) and the name of the management thereof may be displayed. Such sign shall not project higher than six feet above curb level and shall not project into the public way. It shall be located at least ten feet behind the property line. One free-standing sign is permitted per apartment grouping under single ownership.


    Permitted Signs—C-1 Neighborhood Business District. The following signs are permitted in the C-1 neighborhood business district provided they do not project into a public way and they advertise only a business conducted in the building or on the premises of which such sign is placed. One wall sign plus one free-standing or projecting sign is permitted per business.


    If the property is a residential use, the requirement of subsection E of this section shall apply.


    Free-standing signs shall not exceed ten square feet in area and six feet in height. They shall be located ten feet back from the property line or one-half the front yard depth, whichever is less.


    Projecting signs shall not exceed ten square feet in area and shall not project above the roof of the building. The bottom-most portion of the sign must be at least eight feet above the finished grade of the sidewalk or ground beneath it.


    Wall signs shall not exceed five percent of the total square footage of the face of the building, including doors and windows.


    Permitted Signs—C-2 Central Business District. The following signs are permitted in the C-2 central business district provided they advertise only a business conducted in the building or on the premises of which such sign is placed. One wall sign plus one free-standing, projecting, awning or marquee sign is permitted per business.


    For residential uses, the requirements of subsection E of this section shall apply.


    Free-standing signs shall not exceed thirty square feet in area and twenty feet in height or the height of the building, whichever is less. No part of the sign may extend into a public way.


    Projecting signs shall not exceed thirty square feet in area and shall not exceed the height of the building. The bottom-most portion of the sign must be at least eight feet above the finished grade of the sidewalk beneath it. Projecting signs may extend into the public way but cannot be closer than two feet to any curb line.


    Wall signs shall not exceed twenty percent of the total square foot area of the face of the building, including doors and windows.


    Signs attached to awnings or marquees may not project more than twelve inches from the structure and may not exceed ten square feet in area. The bottom-most portion of the awning, marquee or sign attached thereto, must be at least eight feet above the finished grade of the sidewalk beneath it. Such structures, with attached signs, may extend into the public way but shall not be closer than two feet to any curb line.


    Permitted Signs—C-3 Highway Commercial District. The following signs are permitted in the C-3 highway commercial district provided they do not extend into a public way and they advertise only a business conducted in the building or on the premises of which such sign is placed. Each business is allowed one wall sign plus one free-standing, projecting or roof sign. For every additional two hundred feet of frontage after an initial two hundred feet, one additional freestanding or projecting sign is allowed:


    Free-standing signs shall not exceed one hundred square feet in area and shall be no more than twice the height of the building of forty feet, whichever is less. Such signs must be at least twelve feet from the property line.


    Projecting signs shall not exceed fifty square feet in area and shall not project above the roof of the building. The bottom-most portion of the sign must be at least eight feet above the finished grade of the sidewalk or ground beneath it.


    Roof signs shall not exceed one hundred square feet in area, and shall not exceed ten feet in height as measured from that portion of the roof directly beneath the sign. Signs must be located wholly within the roof area of the structure.


    Wall signs shall not exceed twenty percent of the total square footage of the face of the building, including doors and windows.


    Permitted Signs—I-1 Light Industrial District. The following signs are permitted in the I-1 light industrial district provided they do not extend into a public way and they advertise only a business conducted in the building or on the premises of which such sign is placed. Each business is allowed one wall sign plus one free-standing, projecting or roof sign. For every additional three hundred feet of frontage after an initial three hundred feet, one additional free-standing or projecting sign is allowed.


    Free-standing signs shall not exceed two hundred square feet in area and shall be no more than twice the height of the building or seventy-five feet, whichever is less. Such signs must be at least twelve feet from the property line.


    Projecting signs shall not exceed one hundred square feet in area and shall not project above the roof of the building. The bottom-most portion of the sign must be at least eight feet above the finished grade of the sidewalk or ground beneath it.


    Roof signs shall not exceed two hundred square feet in area, and shall not exceed ten feet in height as measured from that portion of the roof directly beneath the sign. Signs must be located wholly within the roof area of the structure.


    Wall signs shall not exceed twenty percent of the total square footage of the face of the structure, including doors and windows.


    Permitted Signs—I-2 Heavy Industrial District. Same as for I-1 light industrial district, subsection I of this section.


    Permitted Signs—Shopping Centers. In lieu of the general sign provisions enumerated in subsection H of this section, shopping centers may elect the sign regulations in this section. Election to erect signs authorized under this section precludes the erection of any signs authorized under subsection H of this section.

    One free-standing sign per frontage on roads surrounding the shopping center is permitted. Signs may identify the shopping center as a whole and/or individual businesses therein. Such signs shall not exceed seventy-five square feet in area and forty feet in height. No sign shall be closer than fifteen feet to the lot line.

    Wall signs and projecting signs shall be permitted on the exterior of individual businesses in the shopping center, and only the names of individual businesses shall be permitted on the signs. One wall sign per business, not to exceed ten percent of the exterior facade of the business, shall be permitted.


    Permitted Signs—Home Occupations. The following standards apply to home occupations as described in Section 17.52.020 and to special uses approved pursuant to Section 17.20.030(E): one wall-mounted sign not exceeding an area of four square feet, which identifies the name and nature of the business or occupation conducted therein, and which contains no other material.


    Permits and Fees.


    Requirements. It is unlawful for any person to install, construct, erect, alter, reconstruct, relocate any sign or cause to have these done within the jurisdiction area of the village of Metamora without obtaining a valid permit in writing from the zoning administrator and making payment of the fees required by subsection (M)(3) of this section, unless such signs are permitted without a permit by subsection B of this section.

    Relocation or reconstruction of signs to conform with the requirements of this title, when such signs existed at the time of enactment of the ordinance codified in this title, is excepted from the requirement for a permit as described, provided such signs conform to all requirements of this title thereafter.


    Application for Permit. Application for a sign permit shall be filed by the owner of the sign or his agent with the zoning administrator of the village. The application shall contain the following information:


    Name, address and telephone number of the owner of the sign, and agent, if any;


    Location of building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected;


    Position of the sign in relation to nearby buildings or structures;


    Two prints or ink drawings of plans and specifications indicating the method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground; no such prints or ink drawings shall be required when the drawings for the sign are already on file in the village;


    Name of person, firm, corporation or association erecting sign;


    Evidence of written consent of the owner of the building, structure or land to which or on which the sign is to be erected, unless the applicant is the owner;


    Such other information as the zoning administrator shall require to show full compliance with this and all other laws and ordinances of the village.


    Fees. For each sign requiring a permit under this title, a fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of a permit. The fee charged shall be two dollars per thousand dollars or fraction thereof of the installed cost, with a minimum of five dollars.


    The applicant who has been issued a permit for construction, installation, erection, relocation or alternation of a sign shall, upon completion of the work, notify the zoning administrator who shall inspect the condition of the sign with respect to its safety and location and if he or she finds that the same has been constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the village he or she shall then issue such applicant a permit in writing, authorizing such applicant to operate and maintain the sign.


    Nullification. If the work authorized under a permit to build has not been substantially completed within six months after the date of issuance, the permit shall become void.


    Permit Exceptions. The following operations shall not be considered as creating a sign and shall not require a sign permit:


    The changing of an advertising copy or message on an approved sign;


    Painting, cleaning or other normal maintenance and repair of a sign or sign structure.


    Issuance. A sign permit shall be issued by the zoning administrator within thirty days of the date of application provided all of the requirements of subsection M of this section are met.


    Structural Standards.


    Any sign requiring a permit and exceeding nine square feet in area shall be made of a noncombustible material. Decorations, lettering and moldings may be of a combustible material.


    Signs, awnings, canopies, marquees, etc., shall be securely attached to the building or structure by bolts, anchors, chains, rods or guys. No wood blocks or anchorage with wood used in connection with screws or nails or staples shall be considered proper anchorage. No sign shall be entirely supported by an unbraced parapet wall.


    Illuminated signs shall be wired in metal conduit by a licensed electrician.


    Signs shall comply with all applicable village codes.


    No person shall erect, structurally, alter, rehang, maintain or replace any sign which projects over any street, alley, sidewalk or other public place unless he or she shall have filed with the village clerk a certificate of bond, with sureties to be approved by the village board, in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars payable to the village, conditional upon the construction, erection and maintenance of such sign in accordance with all the provisions of this section, and conditional further to indemnify, save and hold harmless the village, its agents and officials from any and all claims, damages, liabilities, losses, actions, suits or judgments which may be sustained, brought or secured against the village, its agents and officials as a result of such sign, or any part thereof, or by reason of any accident caused by or resulting therefrom.


    Nonconforming Signs. Any sign which was a lawful, existing sign prior to the date of passage of the ordinance codified in this title, but was made nonconforming by virtue of this title, shall be discontinued or made to conform within five years of the date of passage of such ordinance.

(Zoning ordinance dated 6/3/03 § 12-6.0)